(561) 440-7473

Effective Date: September 2024

Welcome to O’Carroll Plumbing Services. By hiring us for plumbing services, you agree to the following terms and conditions. Please read them carefully. If you do not agree to these terms, you should not use our services.

1. Scope of Services

O’Carroll Plumbing Services provides residential and commercial plumbing services, including but not limited to installation, repair, maintenance, and emergency plumbing services. We strive to deliver quality and timely services to meet the needs of our clients.

2. Service Appointments

  • Scheduling: Appointments can be scheduled via phone, email, or through our website. When scheduling, you agree to provide accurate information about the nature of the plumbing issue and any other relevant details.
  • Cancellations: If you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment, you must do so at least [Insert Time Frame] before the scheduled service. Failure to provide sufficient notice may result in a cancellation fee.
  • Access to Property: You must ensure that we have unobstructed access to the areas where plumbing services are required. If access is restricted or unsafe, we may be unable to perform the service, and you may be charged for the visit.

3. Quotes and Estimates

  • Free Estimates: O’Carroll Plumbing Services may offer free estimates for standard services. Estimates are non-binding and subject to change based on the actual work required.
  • Written Quotes: For larger projects, a written quote will be provided. The price quoted is based on the details provided by the client and any subsequent discoveries during the service. Any additional work not covered in the original quote will be discussed and agreed upon before proceeding.

4. Pricing and Payments

  • Pricing: All services will be charged according to the rates provided at the time of service booking or in the provided quote. Prices may vary depending on the complexity of the job, parts required, and time involved.
  • Payment Terms: Payment is due upon completion of the service unless otherwise agreed in writing. We accept cash, credit cards, and other payment methods as specified at the time of service.
  • Late Payments: If payment is not received within [Insert Number of Days] of service completion, late fees or interest charges may apply.

5. Warranties and Guarantees

  • Service Guarantee: O’Carroll Plumbing Services guarantees its workmanship for a period of [Insert Warranty Period], depending on the type of service provided. If issues arise due to workmanship during this period, we will return to correct the problem at no additional charge.
  • Product Warranty: Any parts or materials used during the service may be covered by a manufacturer’s warranty. O’Carroll Plumbing Services will provide documentation of such warranties where applicable.
  • Exclusions: This guarantee does not cover damage or problems caused by misuse, neglect, or improper maintenance by the client.

6. Liability

  • Limitations of Liability: O’Carroll Plumbing Services will not be held liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the services provided. Our liability is limited to the cost of the service provided, except where prohibited by law.
  • Damage to Property: While we take precautions to protect your property, O’Carroll Plumbing Services is not responsible for pre-existing conditions, such as faulty plumbing, poor construction, or hidden defects, that may be revealed during our work.
  • Force Majeure: We are not responsible for delays or failure to provide services due to circumstances beyond our control, such as natural disasters, accidents, or other unforeseen events.

7. Client Responsibilities

  • Accurate Information: Clients are responsible for providing accurate information about their plumbing needs and property.
  • Maintenance: Clients are responsible for proper use and maintenance of their plumbing systems after our services are performed.
  • Health and Safety: Clients must ensure a safe environment for our staff to work, including making arrangements to keep pets and children away from work areas.

8. Termination of Services

  • Termination by Client: Clients may terminate services at any time before the service is performed, subject to any cancellation fees mentioned in Section 2.
  • Termination by O’Carroll Plumbing Services: We reserve the right to terminate services at any time if we feel that the job cannot be safely or legally completed or if a client is in breach of these terms.

9. Dispute Resolution

In the event of any disputes regarding our services, both parties agree to make good faith efforts to resolve the matter amicably. If a resolution cannot be reached, disputes may be subject to mediation or arbitration as outlined by local laws.

10. Changes to the Terms

O’Carroll Plumbing Services reserves the right to update or modify these Terms of Service at any time without prior notice. The most current version will be posted on our website and is effective as of the posted date.

11. Governing Law

These Terms of Service are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Insert Jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising under these terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [Insert Jurisdiction].